International Centre News December 2019

Our mission is to share models for therapeutic care and to extend the influence and insights gained form our member networks, in order to improve services and outcomes for traumatised children, young people their families and communities.

A warm welcome to our new members:
Cristina Caeleira and Guida Bernardo of S.O.S Children’s Villages, Portugal.
Josef Kala, Eva Terzidou, Kelly Howard, Edward Zahra of Community Housing and Therapy,UK
Andie Turner – Family Care Group UK
Tobia Bianco of the Witherslack Group UK
Michael Wadibia and Lorraine Benloss, Holibrooke House UK
Barbara O’Grady UK.

34th Congress of the International Federation of Educative Communities – ‘FICE’

We attended the 34th FICE International Congress on ‘residential and out of home care’ in Tel Aviv on 29th Oct – Nov 2nd. FICE was formed after WW2 to meet the needs of displaced children across Europe. It is now a thriving global network of organisations and researchers working to improve the lives of children and young people. The three days were full of practice and research presentations from across the networks. The UK is still very under-represented in its membership, currently the Kibble Organisation in Scotland ( and The Mulberry Bush, are the only members, and with Brexit looming it is now more important than ever that we keep in touch and share practice with our European and international colleagues. If you are interested in joining this practice rich network contact Kati Steliqnova at FICE International: [email protected]

Finchden bookIn this edition of the TCJ we are pleased to be making our first ‘E- book’ available. ‘A Finchden Experience’ by Alan Wendelken is a manuscript held at the Planned Environment Therapy Archive at MB3. Alan was both a child and staff member at this formative therapeutic community – it is a fascinating read with a book introduction by Claire Ross, a flyleaf introduction by Keith White and a book review by Dr Chris Hanvey.

Sean Williams is Headteacher at the Forge Pupil Referral Unit in Redditch. His paper ‘Working with trauma’ is from a talk given at the AGM of the St Paul’s homeless charity in Worcester.

Keith White offers his two regular features reflecting on the work of Millgrove: ‘A homely nest’ and ‘Who remembers person centred case work?

Jen Galloway shares another fascinating paper from the Planned Environment Therapy Archive ‘Change as a learning situation’ by Doreen Weddell, a paper presented at the 6th Annual Congress of psychotherapy, London, 1964. Doreen Weddell was matron at the Cassel Hospital working with Dr Tom Main.

Important information for parents, teachers and healthcare professionals if a young person confides in them that they hear voicesDr Sarah Parry of Manchester Metropolitan University is Associate Practice Fellow in Clinical Psychology and Programme Lead for the MMU Psychological Wellbeing Training Pathway. Sarah shares information and videos from their ‘Young Voices Study’ for supporting children who hear voices.

Please do keep sending us papers and information etc. Wishing all our readers a peaceful and restful Christmas and New Year.

John Diamond

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