A Brief History of Events and Trends from 1695 to 1969 in the Residential Care of Young Offenders in the UK

1695         August Hermann Francke (1663-1727) opened an orphan asylum at Halle in Germany, the first reformatory. 1706         Jean Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719) started a boarding school at St. Yon, France, which evolved into a reformatory; several Roman Catholic approved schools are still run by the Brothers of St. Jean Baptiste de la Salle. 1735-1811 … Read more

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A mixture of news items, events, comments and whimsies, including men in childcare, confidentiality, Andrew Rowe, Barack Obama, bullying, Court fees, demonising young people, involving young people, push-chairs, reading to children, NCB, libraries, unannounced inspections and absconding